Jun 2, 2008

The Natural Minor Scales

Today were are going to go over the minor scale, inside and out. Just like with the major scale a few days ago, I'll show you how to play this one from one octave to another.

It is important to understand that there are actually 3 minor scales. The 1st one, natural minor, is the one that we will be covering here.

Again, like any other scale or mode, this one also has a half step/whole step formula. Its looks like this:


Also like the major scale that I showed you, this one is relatively easy to memorize, because minus the starting open E position, the pattern never changes.

My 1st suggestion is that you make an effort to sit down and memorize this scale. My 2nd suggestion is that you use alternate picking, preferably with a metronome and
that you pick each note evenly and as cleanly as possible.

Again, speed comes with relaxed hands. If you try and rush these things, you aren't going to get fast very quickly. You will have to retrain your hands if you do this (speaking from experience), so why make it harder on yourself?
Anyways, have fun!

E Natural Minor

Click To Enlarge

F Natural Minor

Click To Enlarge

F# Natural Minor

Click To Enlarge

G Natural Minor

Click To Enlarge

G# Natural Minor

Click To Enlarge

A Natural Minor

Click To Enlarge

A# Natural Minor

Click To Enlarge

B Natural Minor

Click To Enlarge

C Natural Minor

Click To Enlarge

C# Natural Minor

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D Natural Minor

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D# Natural Minor

Click To Enlarge

E Natural Minor (Octave)

Click To Enlarge

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